3.1.1 Overview module 3

Course subject(s) Module 3. Planning Smart Sustainable Cities Initiatives

Welcome to Module 3. This module we will focus on answering the HOW question: How can cities become innovative and sustainable? To answer it, this module presents the need and benefits of planning SSC initiatives. It is essential first to understand the context, conditions, and problems we seek to solve and then carry out such planning and strategy activities. This module can be divided into five sections:

3.2 – SSC Essential Components. In this section, you can contribute by sharing the components they believe are essentials when planning an SSC initiative. It will produce great insights to start the SSC planning module.

3.3 – Management and Strategies for Urban Transformation.  This section shows how to do strategic planning step by step and use strategic planning tools.

3.4 – Smart Cities Application. It focuses on using technology by urban planners to improve urban planning processes. This section specifically focuses on solving problems with software and includes its basic concepts and characteristics.

3.5 – Project Planning in SSC.  It highlights the importance and the benefits of planning an SSC project and how it is used. For that, the main aspects and characteristics of the project are presented. In addition, real-case examples are provided to enrich this learning experience.

3.6 – Case study: Bogotá Schools. It describes a case study focused on the main citizen participation initiatives in the Capital District of Bogotá. The main objective of this initiative is to strengthen citizens’ capabilities to come into play in public affairs and exert their citizenship rights.

Learning Objectives

Our main learning objectives for this module are:

  •  To know how to do strategic planning step-by-step and use strategic planning tools
  •  To know the main characteristics of SSC projects and what should be considered when planning one
  •  To understand basic concepts and characteristics of software, a key pillar of digital urban infrastructure for the development of Smart Sustainable Cities
  • To identify and analyze strategic planning components in real case studies.
Creative Commons License
Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/smart-and-sustainable-cities-new-ways-of-digitalization-and-governance/ /
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