0.2.1 Course Overview ‘Room for Rivers’

Course subject(s) Module 0. Welcome to ‘Room for Rivers’

Course content

This course consist of 5 modules:

Module 1:  Understanding Rivers
In this module we will focus on improving our understanding of rivers. We will take the perspective of rivers as a persona: what do the rivers themselves want and need?

Module 2: Engineering the River
In this module you will study the historical development and consequences of river engineering in low land rivers, focusing on the Dutch Rhine branches. We show how lessons from this history triggered and informed the development of the Room for the River building blocks used in the Dutch Room for the River program. Note that creating these building blocks was decisive in any Room for the River program.

Picture: some of the main building blocks for interventions

Module 3: Governing the River
In this module we will focus on how to organize governance and stakeholder engagement in the context of river engineering, including best practices and pitfalls.

Picture: level of stakeholder engagement

Module 4: Designing the River
In this module you will learn about spatial design and how that can work for rivers and their surroundings. 

Module 5 : Room for the River, a programmatic approach
We will lead you through the requirements for for developing a programmatic approach to river engineering, step by step.

Structure course

Each module has a similar set-up:

  • Introduction to the topic;
  • Academic web lecture(s);
  • Case study;
  • Experience from the field;
  • Reflection.



Creative Commons License
Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/room-for-rivers-perspectives-on-river-basin-management/.
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