Websites 2007-2008

Course subject(s) websites 2007-2008

CSD Mooring Systems

On this website an overview of the mooring system and methodology of a Cutter Suction Dredge (CSD) is given. During operation the dredger moves around a spud pole by puling and slacking on the two fore sideline wires. This type of dredger is capable to dredge all kind of material and is accurate due to their movement around the spud pole.

Mooring of a Floating Container Terminal

In general, a terminal on land is the most efficient and cost-effective solution, if there is space available on land at a reasonable price. If a terminal on land is not possible, reclaiming land or building a floating terminal may be worth considering. On this website, the possibilities of a large Floating Container Terminal are examined, with an emphasis on the mooring system of such a floating structure.

FPSO Mooring Systems

The target of this website is to provide you in a just two steps the right choice of mooring systems for your Floating Prodution Storage Offloading vessel. First you have to select the area where the FPSO is roughly located. The second step is about the size of the FPSO. Then the website provides information about the right mooring system.

Mooring a Tension Leg Platform

A TLP stands for a Tension Leg Platform; an offshore platform used in the oil and gas industry. A TLP is a floating platform, which means the platform is not placed on the seabed. On this website you can find an explanation of TLPs, historical data, applications, a design methodology and a design program.

Mooring of Large Floating Airports

Download zip This website focuses on the Very Large Floating Airports, like the Euphlotea near San Diego, and specifically the mooring systems of these VLFA. You will find summarized information on different types of floating structures, mooring systems and environmental loads. Finally a consulting function has been implemented, allowing for a quick assessment of possible mooring solutions for any VLFA.

Mooring Pontoon

This website provides information about mooring a rock-dumping vessel for the creation of breakwaters in shallow waters.

FPSO Mooring Systems

This website is about mooring FPSO’s. It provides information about different kinds of mooring systems and anchors. Furthermore there are calculations for wind, waves and current.

Creative Commons License
Offshore Moorings by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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