Satellite Navigation – Exercises
Course subject(s)
01. Satellite Navigation – Introduction
02. GPS overview
03. GNSS Receivers
04. GPS measurements
05. GPS error sources
06. GPS error sources and position estimation
07. PVT and RAIM
08. Kalman filtering
10. Relative positioning
11. Long baselines, PPP, SBAS
12. Integrity and integer ambiguity resolution
The available assignments and additional data can be found on this page. Students are suppose to work on new assignments every week. The readings that need to be study for the lectures and the assignments can be found on the Readings page. The answers for assignments that are not graded are also available here. By clicking on the links, you can download the files.
1. Future GNSS
In the near future there should be four Global Navigation Satellite Systems around. Write a small report (3-4 pages A4, incl. references) in which you address the following:
- Characteristics of the four GNSSs (should at least contain the information as indicated in the table in the assignment, more is better)
- A brief section on interoperability of the systems and main differences
- A brief section on the main advantages of having access to multiple systems
2. Single Channel Analysis
This assignment contains questions that should be answered in a report; you may include figures if you
think appropriate, but this is not required. You need to install the program Quicklook, instructions can be found in the assignment.
QuickLook is a program to visualize GPS data. It allows the user to plot the various GPS
observations and linear combinations thereof over time, or as function of elevation.
3. Kalman filtering
This assignment goes with lecture 8 and 9. GPS range measurements, from a satellite in space to a receiver on Earth, are affected by the Earth’s atmosphere. In this assignment we will focus on the ionospheric delay. Based on dual-frequency pseudo-range code observations, we would like to determine the ionospheric (slant) delay to the observed satellite. There is additional data available for this assignment.
This is an optional assignment to get acquainted with the information stored in RINEX files, needed for positioning. There are also answers available for this assignment. The assignment goes with the fourth lecture.
This assignment goes with the fifth lecture. Design computations are useful for studying the performance of a positioning system. There are
several parameters which can be computed without the need for actual observations and which
are good predictors of the performance.
Both users of GNSSs as well as researchers need the information provided by these design
computations. Users of a GNSS need to know how they can meet the accuracy requirements for
a specific application at hand. Researchers may be interested in the performance of different
GNSSs, so that they can make comparisons or study the improvements that future
modernizations or systems may bring.
The VISUAL user interface makes it possible to compare the performance of GNSSs under
different scenarios. For that purpose, it is necessary to specify the system and observation
6. Mapping Functions
This is an exercise in which you are asked to make plots of different mapping functions to account for the difference in the atmospheric delays in zenith direction and those in actual line-of-sight direction. See lecture slides of the sixth lecture for more information about this assignment

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