Electrical machines and drives – Laboratory work
Course subject(s)
01. Introduction to Electrical machines and drives
02. Maxwell’s equations and Magnetic circuits
03. Principles of electromechanics
04. DC Machines and Drives
05. DC Machines continued
06. DC Machine drivers and Induction machines
07. Induction machines 1
08. Induction machines 2
09. Synchronous Machines
10. Permanent magnet AC machines
11. Stepper, Single phase and Universal motors, and Switched reluctance machines
The laboratory work consists of 3.5 days experiment. This lab work has to be performed in groups of 8 students in the laboratory of Electrical Power Processin in TUDelft.
In total there are 3 experiments;
- Setup and DC Machine
- Induction machine
- Synchronous machine
After performing these experiments the students should hand in a paper.
Setup and DC Machine
This is the first experiment and is an instruction to setup the experiments and working with DC Machines.
The Study goals are;
- Be familiar with the setup (machines, drivs) used in the laboratory work.
- Be able to realize an operating point of a DC machine with a bidirectional thyristor bridge converter, sometimes called a dual converter (the Siemens DC controller)
- Be able to realize an operating point of an induction machine with three-phase inverter
- Know the no-load characteristics of a DC machine.
Induction Machine
This is the second experiment and deals with Induction machines.
The Study goals of this experiment are;
- Be able to determine the parameters of the equivalent circuit of an induction machine.
- Use these parameters to make a graph of the torque/speed characteristic.
- Use these parameters to make a graph of the Heyloand circle (the trajectory of the current phasor in the complex plane as a function of the speed or the slip).
Synchronous Machine
This is the third and the last experiment and is about Synchronous machines. Synchronous machines are mostly used as a generators. They can be used in island operation, for example on board of a ship or an aircraft, or connected to the grid, for example in a power station or a combined heat and power unit. In this experiment, both will be tested.
The Study goals of this experiment are;
- Be familiar with synchronous machines
- Be able to synchronize a synchronous machine with the grid
- Be able to realize different operating points(generator and motor operation, leading and lagging power factor) in island operation as well as grid connected
- Be able to explain what they see in the experiments using phasor diagrams.

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