Geo-information Technology for Crisis Management – Exercises
Course subject(s)
1. Risk and Emergency Management
2. Organisational aspects of Crisis Response
3. Use of Geo-information
5. Modelling and models
6. Crisis Mapping with Google
7. Serious Games
4. Communications and positioning
On this page you can find several assignments specially designed for this course. The available assignments cover several topics considering disaster management, emergency response, collecting and using information and data, risk management and management of integrated rescue systems. The papers include enough information about the topic to get you started, but in order to write a proper paper additional research may be needed. You can download the assignments by clicking on the links.
Situation Awareness
In this assignment, students will get acquainted with the concept of situation awareness (SA). For this assignment students have to work in pairs. Students will experience a low-base simulator environment in which they act as a maritime operator. During the exercises students will experience different methods to measure SA. To finish this assignment, students will have to think of other settings to study SA.
The assignment description and an additional paper can be found below.
List of Assigments
This is a list with several assignments on different subjects. Unfortunately no worked out examples of this assignments are available.
Interesting links and video’s
Viking Project
Cross-border project (Netherlands-Germany) for flood management
GRIP procedure (in Dutch)

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