2.2.1 Ethics and AI

Course subject(s) Module 2. Open up your mind

One of the main topics that comes up when considering how to make use of the affordances of new technologies is the ethical impact it might have on our society. Below some discussions with Virginia Dignum, Francesca Rossi and others about ethics and artificial intelligence. One of the issues that regularly comes up is how to ensure the AI-system doesn’t learn a biased view of the world.

In October 2016 Virginia Dignum discussed the ethics of artificial intelligence in a panel with Yann LeCun (Oxford University, Future of Humanity Institute) and Nick Bostrom  (NYU, Data Science; Facebook). Click on the picture to watch the panel discussion.

You can also watch the video through this link.

Francesca Rossi mentions some of the ethical issues that the pervasive use of AI raises, as well as some initiatives, such as the Partnership on AI, whose goal is to educate, discuss, and possibly solve most of these issues.

Click on the image or watch this video here.

At the Techonomy16 conference in California in November 2016, Jennifer Schenker, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Innovator interviewed Research Scientist Francesca Rossi about ethics and AI.

In this livestream they discuss the various issues that come up when codifying human values into AI systems. Francesca Rossi answers questions such as who decides what are human values and how to create an ethics API?

Here you can find the transcript for this video.

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Mind of the Universe: Robots in Society - Blessing or Curse by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/mind-of-the-universe-robots-in-society-blessing-or-curse/.
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