2.2.2 Practitioners view
Course subject(s)
Module 2. |A| Service design
Nicolás Rebelledo
Nicolás Rebolledo is a strategic and service designer focused on the design and development of public service innovation processes. He is an architect from the Catholic University of Chile and he holds an MSc in Technology Entrepreneurship from University College London.
He is currently a lecturer in Service Design at the Royal College of Art, where he is currently completing his PhD and leading the Design for Policy Platform. His research is about the role of design in public innovation, policy design, digital services and urban service systems with the purpose of understanding how design is used in public innovation processes and how it can impact both government transformation and the emergence of new service ecosystems. The Design for Policy Platform addresses the growing application of service design to not only transform public services delivered by government, third sector organisations and social enterprises but also the use of service design to develop policy.
He has worked as an independent strategic design consultant for a diverse range startups, private companies, charities and public organisations, such as the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation at the OECD, the LabGob and for the recently created Public Service Innovation Laboratory of the Government of Chile.
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