1.1.2 Learning objectives
Subject(s) Module 1. Introduction to Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
1.2.1 What you’ll learn this week
Subject(s) Module 1. Introduction to Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
1.4.2 NBS Catalog
Subject(s) Module 1. Introduction to Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
1.4.3 Mainstreaming
Subject(s) Module 1. Introduction to Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
1.4.4 Views on nature
Subject(s) Module 1. Introduction to Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions
2.1.2 What you’ll learn
Subject(s) Module 2. |A| Service design
2.2.3 Lesson learned
Subject(s) Module 2. |A| Service design
3.1.1 What you’ll learn
Subject(s) Module 3. |B| Spatial design
3.2.2 Scales
Subject(s) Module 3. |B| Spatial design
3.3.1 Site specificity
Subject(s) Module 3. |B| Spatial design
Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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