4.3.1 Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Course subject(s)
Module 4. Designing the River
Landscape architecture
In the next lecture, we will introduce the discipline of design, or landscape architecture. It will start with a general introduction to (the evolution) of design. After that, the focus will be on spatial quality. Note that for the Room for Rivers program, the definition of landscape quality of the projects was defined as the ‘elegant’ combination of:
- Hydraulic efficiency (how to achieve the desired effect with minimal means);
- Ecological robustness (how the river dynamics can support habitat quality);
- Aesthetic meaning (how to make a meaningful contribution to the river landscape, while making use of a design idiom characteristic of the river);
In the video professor Sijmons introduces us with designing and shows that desiging is all around us, even in the simplest things you encounter everyday, such as a spoon. However, what does it mean to design?

Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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