4.3.1 Quantification of mode shift benefits
Course subject(s)
4. Transport decarbonization II
In this video, Dr. Natalia Barbour discusses how to analyze and quantify the benefits from mode shift and infrastructure changes. Moreover, you will learn how to calculate and perform emissions inventory using emissions factors.
Key takeaways:
- Each pollutant has a different emission factor, which is defined per time of operation, unit of fuel consumed and distance traveled.
- Quantification of mode shift benefit allows to compare the base scenario with an alternative scenario and evaluate reductions in emissions achieved by an intervention.
- Emissions of a pollutant is mathematically expressed as emission factor per vehicle type and fuel type times number of cars per hour times number of km in the segment of interest.

Designing Climate-Neutral Buildings and Transport by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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