5. Motion Control

Course subject(s) 5. Motion Control

In the motion control module the students will learn about motion control in five lectures. In the first lecture of motion control the lecturer first gives an introduction to motion control. After the short introduction the lecturer explains feed forward control through an example. At the end of the lecture the lecturer starts with an example to explain feedback control.

Motion Control II

In the following lecture, the lecturer dicusses the subject of feedback control. The lecturer illustrates the principle of feedback control through an example of a cd-player. The concepts of proportial (P) control and derivitive (D) control are each addressed seperatly. The lecturer also discusses the combined control: the PD-control.

Motion Control III

To elaborate the subject of feedback control a bit further the lecturer discusses some practical insights the difference between open and closed loop systems. The lecturer finishes by revisiting the last steps of the cd-player example.

Motion Control IV

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Mechatronic System Design by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/mechatronic-system-design/.
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