7.2 Applying Value-Sensitive Design

Course subject(s) 7. Value Sensitive Design

In the previous section, we discussed the origins of VSD and its importance. We used the following definitions from Bayta Friedman and Prof. Jeroen respectively:

  • ‘Ultimately, VSD requires that we broaden the goals and criteria for judging the quality of technological systems to include those that advance human values.’
  • [VSD is a] way of doing ethics that aims at making moral values part of technological design, research and development.

But this of course is easier said than done. How can we embody values in design? 

In this lecture, we will discuss the following 3 questions.

  1. Can technology embody values?
  2. We will explain what we mean by comparing three perspectives on technology: instrumentalism, substantivism, and interactionism.
  3. What values should we include in design? And how can we deal with a multitude of values?
  4. How can we translate values into design requirements?

Our running examples will be animal welfare and biofuels. Please do check the key readings for this section.

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Responsible Innovation by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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