1.1 The Concept of Responsible Innovation
Subject(s) 1. Responsible Innovation and Applied Ethics
1.2 Trolley Problem
Subject(s) 1. Responsible Innovation and Applied Ethics
1.3 Individual and Collective Responsibility
Subject(s) 1. Responsible Innovation and Applied Ethics
1.4 The Problem of Many Hands: Who is responsible
Subject(s) 1. Responsible Innovation and Applied Ethics
2.1 Dilemma of Moral Overload
Subject(s) 2. Institutions and Values
2.2 Emotions, Values & Decision-Making
Subject(s) 2. Institutions and Values
2.3 Institutions & Values
Subject(s) 2. Institutions and Values
2.4 Four Layer Model of Institutions
Subject(s) 2. Institutions and Values
2.5 Bonus Material
Subject(s) 2. Institutions and Values
3.1 Incremental & Radical Innovation
Subject(s) 3. How Innovations Come About

Responsible Innovation by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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