Delft Mind-Set
Course subject(s)
2. The Forensic Engineering Investigation
Explanation Delft Mind-set
As mentioned before, we have developed the Delft Mind-set as a set of principles that will increase trustworthiness of your outcomes. The added bonus to the Delft Mind-set is that you are able to overcome criticism. The following video explains the Ring of Trustworthiness, consisting of a set of five principles.
Some definitions mentioned in the video below, regarding the aspects that make a Forensic Engineering investigation trustworthy, are mentioned underneath video.
Delft Mind-set
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In the video we already explained the aspects of the Ring of Trustworthiness in a global way. But how can you define these various principles exactly? Below you find the definitions of the aspects that make a Forensic Engineering investigation trustworthy. These definitions are loosely based on the Oxford dictionary, but have been expanded to particularly fit the context of Forensic Engineering.
Trustworthy: able to be relied on as honest or truthful. Explanation: one should be able to completely trust the contents of the report. Mind that in the video we used credibility as synonym for trustworthy, where credibility can be defined as able to be trusted.
Objective: (of a person or their judgement) not influenced by feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
Repeatable: able to be done again. More specifically, for investigations repeatable means that results of experiments and analyses can be fully reproduced based on the descriptions in the report.
Verifiable: all presented information and the way it was obtained is provided in a transparent way, so it can be checked or demonstrated to be true and accurate, or justified. And only information is used from sources that can be verified.
Complete: having all the necessary or appropriate parts. E.g., not missing any information that is necessary to understand the context, information, approach, decisions etc.
Correct: free from error; in accordance with fact or truth.
In the attached PDF you can find the definitions, so you can use them offline.

Forensic Engineering: Learning from failures by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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