Application of the technique – step 5

Course subject(s) Step 5. Scenario analysis


During this course you practice the content by applying it to a case, either your own case or one of the cases we provided.

Estimates give you a rough ‘quick-and-dirty’ quantitative idea of the effects potential solution have in your case. We invite you to make estimates using the action points Elianne provided you in the video. Also bear in mind the pitfalls she discussed. As a wrap up we have listed the action points and pitfalls below.


  1. Estimate the value of some cells in your score cards via different routes
    There will be quite some alternatives and quite some criteria in your score cards. It is most useful if you can fill all the cells in the table. That means, if you can determine the effects of the alternatives on the criteria. For that, there are many ways. You can look in books, articles or search the internet. You can set up experiments or do some testing. You can consult experts. What you also can do, is make estimates, just like you have seen in the video.
  2. Are these orders of magnitude, comparable?
    Evaluate your calculations in multiple ways, so you can compare different estimates and see if you, order of magnitude, end up roughly with the same number.
  3. Are these estimates ‘true’?
    What do you say to people that claim estimates are useless because the numbers you came up with are not correct anyhow?


  • Decomposed into sub-factors is not properly done
  • A too specific outcome
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Creative problem solving and decision making I by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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