Flow and Erosion
Course subject(s)
Flow and Erosion
5. Flow and Erosion
Erosion occurs when the material has come into motion due to a flow. The erosion will continue until as long as it takes to come to a equilibrium in which the material is not moved by the flow. Erosion is a typical scour problem that can be caused by a difference in hydraulic conditions and the availability of erodible material. This lecture focusses on the aspects that have to do with erosion.
Flow Stability (part2)
Porous flow and filters
The slides can be downloaded by clicking on the link above. The chapters 5 and 6 about porous flows and filters are discussed.
The youtube videos complementary to lecture 5 can be found below. The first video shows Erosion downstream of a sill due to turbulence. The second video represents erosion due to flow over a rough bed with no obstacle and v=30 cm/sec. The last video shows erosion due to flow over a rough bed, with an obstacle, 10 cm/sec.
Erosion due to turblence
Erosion behind disturbance

Bed, Bank and Shoreline Protection by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/bed-bank-and-shoreline-protection/.