Flow loads

Course subject(s) Flow Loads

2. Flow Loads

This lecture is about the forces on protection elements. Note that de collegerama recordings are slighty different from the available lecture slides, but this should not be a issue since the content is the same. The collegerama recordings also contain short movie clips of conducted experiments with flows.


Flow loads

In this lecture, ir. H.J. Verhagen will discuss the forces on protection elements. These forces are created by flows which can be regular or fluctuating. Several aspects of the flows and the fluctations are discussed. Also, a example of working with Cress (Coastel and River Engineering Support System) is given.

The second part of chapter 2 and the introduction to chapter 3 are discussed in these lecture recordings. The lecture slides can be downloaded by clicking on the link above.

The youtube videos complementary to this lecture can be found below.


The film “Turbulence” from Robert W. Stuart, University of British Columbia. The pdf attached is a short description of the film

Reynolds number

Renolds number in flume, v=0.5 m/s, Re=0.50.2/10-6 =100000 =>turbulent.

Flow over sill

Current over a sill (threshold) in a flume, wedge is indicated with dye, two experiments (first starts at 0:50 min, second starts at 1:23 min). Tests from Zuurveld.

Mixing layer

Overview of model set-up for mixing layer when flow comes into a wider channel; with markers mixing layer is shown (4 times). In last shot (at 2:00 min) small eddies at interface can be observed. Tests from Zuurveld

Creative Commons License
Bed, Bank and Shoreline Protection by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/bed-bank-and-shoreline-protection/.
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