Introduction Delft Mind-set
Course subject(s)
2. The Forensic Engineering Investigation
By now you know how to perform the six steps of a Forensic Engineering investigation. Although it is important to know these six steps, it is even more important to apply them correctly. First, because you would like to deliver quality as a professional, and second, you have to be aware that the outcomes of a Forensic Engineering investigation usually have consequences to various involved parties. Take for instance the truck example. If the manufacturer of the truck is held responsible and has to pay for the damage, it might be possible that he will look for flaws in your reasoning or comes up with alternative scenarios that are in his favor. This might be done in collaboration with an attorney or insurance company. The aim is to pay a smaller share of the damage.
Due to the reasons mentioned above, it is important that your conclusions are sound. To provide you with guidance, we developed the Delft Mind-set, which is a set of principles that will increase the trustworthiness of the findings of your investigation. The video below will guide you through some of the criticism of some opponents, who are not happy with the outcomes of certain results, might raise.
Criticism on findings
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Forensic Engineering: Learning from failures by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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