Psychophysical methods, measuring sensitivity

Course subject(s) Psychophysical methods, measuring sensitivity

Duration and Associated literature
Hour 1
: 37:19
Hour 2: 16:03
Engeldrum, P.G. (2000). Chapter 5: Thresholds and Just-Noticeable Differences. In
Psychometric Scaling: A Toolkit for Imaging Systems Development. Imcotek.
Gescheider, G.A. (1997). Chapter 3: The Classical Psychophysical Methods. In
Psychophysics: the fundamentals, Mahwah, New York: Lawrence Erlbaum

The first hour is discussed: psychophysical methods, sensivity versus preference, method of constant stimuli – absolute thresholds, psychometric curve (function), psychometric funtion expressed in z-score, method of constant stimuli, method of limits, staircase method, method of adjustment, limitations.
The second hour is discussed: psychophysical methods based on preference: paired comparison, sorting method, three-sample method, direct scaling. (no live demos’with SPSS).

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Empirical Research Methods by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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