Waves and loads

Course subject(s) Waves and loads

8. Waves and loads

Lecture 8 focusses on the principles, dynamics, causes and issues of waves. This lecture has been introduced during the previous lecture.

Waves , loads – basics of waves…

Dike height calculation, Standing waves

Lectures can be downloaded by clicking on the link above. The readings consist of chapter 7.

The youtube videos complementary to this lecture can be found below.

Overtopping over a dike

Demonstration of 0.1, 1 and 10 litres overtopping over a grass dike. Tests from TAW in WL-De Voorst, with sound (in English). play at “full screen” to avoid distortion.

Waves on a slope

Overview of waves at the coast of Scheveningen; shot from the breakwater, refraction is clear. At2:00 details from breakwater. At 2:30 models tests on a slope; plunging breakers in lab, including some slowmotions and stills. At 4:16 oblique view of the flume (from 4:50 to 7:40 one wave in extreme slow motion; shows runup and rundown in detail), shot repeated in normal speed. At 8:44surging waves against 1:1.5 slope of tetrapods; shows limitation of runup.

Standing waves

Demonstration of standing waves over a rock bed.

Standing waves with lumps

Slow motion shots of a demonstration of standing waves with lumps over a rock bed. The lumps show the orbital movement.

Creative Commons License
Bed, Bank and Shoreline Protection by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/bed-bank-and-shoreline-protection/.
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