2.2.3 Want to know more about Housing in the Global South?

Course subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management

Want to know more?

In this section you can find additional material for this video. There are suggestions for reading material, videos and websites that you can use in order to explore the subject and deepen your knowledge.



GILBERT, A. (2004). Helping the poor through housing subsidies: lessons from Chile, Colombia and South Africa. Habitat International, 28(1), 13-40.

BRANDSEN, T., VAN DE DONK, W., & PUTTERS, K. (2005). Griffins or Chameleons? Hybridity as a Permanent and Inevitable Characteristic of the Third Sector. International Journal of Public Administration, 28(9-10), 749-765.

WARD, P. M. (2012). Housing Policies in Developing Countries. International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 559-572

UN-HABITAT (2015). Housing at the Centre of the New Urban Agenda. http://unhabitat.org/housing-at-the-centre-of-the-new-urban-agenda/

WOETZEL, J., RAM, S., MISCHKE, J., GAREMO, N., SANKHE, S. (2014). A blueprint for addressing the global affordable housing challenge. http://www.mckinsey.com/global-themes/urbanization/tackling-the-worlds-affordable-housing-challenge

Creative Commons License
Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/rethink-city-new-approaches-global-local-urban-challenges/.
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