2.4.1 Key Takeaways and Reflection ‘Engineering the River’

Course subject(s) Module 2. Engineering the River

Key takeaways

In this module, we dove deeper in the world of river hydrology. In the Room for the River program several interventions were used to give the river enough space to flow, e.g. dike relocation and obstacle removal. The intervention gives rise to a change in water level. This depends on the area and the environment surrounding the river in that particular part. The brings us to the first key takeaway of the module: The effectiveness of the intervention is dependent on the characteristics of the area. Furthermore, we need to keep in mind that an intervention does not only affect the close surroundings, but can be felt both upstream and far downstream. As a result it can be quite a puzzle to create a water level decrease over the entirety of the river channel.

Furthermore, we learned to use the building blocks that were given to us and apply them to a given situation. Creating a hydraulic plan for a river can be a tricky procedure. We saw that usually, from a hydraulic viewpoint, multiple solutions can be implemented. A second key takeaway is that measures often only create a small difference in water level, but this can make all the difference during peak discharge. A measure often only decreases the water level by a few centimeters. However, being prepared for the precipitation levels that occur only once every hundred years (or even less often) can be very important, especially in this age with increasing climate change.


Please write down your reflection on this module for your own reference.


Creative Commons License
Room for Rivers: Perspectives on River Basin Management by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/room-for-rivers-perspectives-on-river-basin-management/.
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