3.1.3 Stakeholder mapping

Course subject(s) 3. Opportunity framing

First, think about and list all stakeholders; people that have an interest (positive or negative) and maybe even a real stake in your project. For example, your project might influence their living circumstances, their livelihood or even will change their life in any direction. Or your project is financed by certain parties. Or the different parties in the supply chain…!

Some stakeholders are actual people, some are organisations or governments (local, regional or national), some even are protected animals ;-). Think about all of them: what could be their interest in your project, what type of influence and power they could insert on your project (either positively or negatively)? And what is their general attitude towards the project: supportive or not? Please summarise your findings in a stakeholder map.

As an indicative example of a stakeholder map, please check the figure below. Note there are many more variations possible!

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Project Management of Engineering Projects: Preparing for Success by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/project-management-engineering-projects-preparing-success.
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