3.3 Co-Creation: Readings
Course subject(s)
Module 3. Co-Creation
Readings of week 3
For this week, we have selected the following articles that help you test your value proposition by going outside and interviewing others:
1.1 Key for developing your value proposition is co-creation. This article gives more info about how to organize a session to get feedback on your ideas.
1.2 If you do interviews to get feedback on your ideas, this read is recommended.
The following articles are useful sources of information related to the market mapping exercise.
2.1. Here the objectives of market analysis are further explained.
2.2. If you are looking for background information, or more in-depth knowledge about Market Mapping and how it works, we recommend you to read this article. If you are not able to organize group meetings within the time-frame of this course you can try to organize deliberate meetings with market actors to discuss your value proposition and its market.
2.3. When mapping the market you need to know how the enabling business environment looks like. The reports about doing businesspublished by the World Bank provide insights on regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it.
Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets I by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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