3.4.2 Reading on Transdisciplinary learning in Complex Coastal Systems
Course subject(s)
3. Why Beyond Engineering?
The reading for Topic 1 is the introductory chapter of a book “Complex Coastal Systems. Transdisciplinary insights from international case studies”. This chapter has been selected because it introduces the reader to fundamental concepts in the (complex) system sciences, integrated environmental assessment and management, and social-ecological systems. It draws on these fields to explain how transdisciplinary learning can occur when people with different disciplinary backgrounds and life experiences seek to learn with, and from each other, on coastal management.
You can cite the chapter as:
Slinger, J. H., Taljaard, S., D’Hont, F.M. (2020). Chapter 1. Introduction. In: (eds) Slinger, J. H., Taljaard, S., D’Hont, F.M. Complex Coastal Systems. Transdisciplinary insights from international case studies. Delft Acade.mic Press, Delft, Netherlands. ISBN: 97890-6562-4437

Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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