3. How Innovations Come About – Readings
Course subject(s)
3. How Innovations Come About
The readings for this lecture set are listed below, with a small explanation accompanying each title:
Readings for the Case Study on Coolants
Some background information on “green-freeze“:
- ‘HFCs: A growing threat to the climate (Greenpeace, 2009)
- Green Cooling Technologies; Market trends in selected refrigeration and air conditioning subsectors
published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Germany, May 2014
Readings for Management of Innovation
- The pattern of development and diffusion of breakthrough communication technologies
by J. Roland Ortt and Jan SchoormansDiffusion of many successful communication technologies, like telephony and television technology, follows an almost perfect S-shaped curve. This curve suggests that, after their introduction, subsequent sales of products on the basis of these technologies can be predicted accurately. However, the diffusion of other breakthroughs in communication technologies (like interactive television, video telephony or broadband mobile communication technology shows a more erratic pattern). Introduction of these technologies is often postponed, or once introduced, they are quickly withdrawn from the market after initial disappointing results. The article explains that the diffusion has to cope with considerable externalities (such as a network, in the case of telecommunication appliances). This also has managerial implications. - A very important topic when it comes to innovation is standards. Standards are, for example, needed for interoperability of technical systems. ‘No flexibility without standards’. Some of you already mentioned the importance of standards in the forum, But do pre-existing standards and regulations hamper or stimulate the development and diffusion of radically new high-tech products? Check out this article by J. Roland Ortt and Tineke M. Egyedi.
- Radical innovation and open innovation
by Khanh Pham-Gia. The link is a copy to a chapter on radical innovation. - How to manage radical innovations
- Joseph Schumpeter: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Schumpeter
- Book (for sale, no open access): Determinants of Innovative Behaviour: A Firm’s Internal Practices and its External Environment (2008)
by Cees van Beers (editor), Alfred Kleinknecht (editor), Roland Ortt (editor) and Robert Verburg (editor).
The idea that innovation and technological change is important for economic growth and human development has long been recognized. This book explores this idea, providing an overview of current research on determinants of innovation in firms from the perspective of economics and management. It deals with the innovating firm’s internal and external organization and how their mutual relationship affects innovative behaviour. Using several methods of analysis, the book reveals the specific determinants that are predominant in explaining firm performance on innovation. Several chapters in this book address the needs of both scientific economists and management scientists as well as practitioners.
- Book (for sale, no open access): Determinants of Innovative Behaviour: A Firm’s Internal Practices and its External Environment (2008)

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