4.3.1 Experts in Dutch weather
Course subject(s)
Module 4. Data analysis using Excalibur and Validation
“Typical Dutch” by Marco Nedermeijer is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Everyone in the Netherlands is an expert at Dutch weather!
At least that’s the general claim :).
We have decided to investigate this claim and also provide some weather predictions with the help of 5 MSc students at TU Delft.
The experts answered 10 calibration questions and 5 questions of interest at the beginning of December 2015.
Here is the list of questions (note that all questions refer to the Netherlands)
Calibration questions
- Based on data collected from August 1999 until October 2015, the average wind speed is 66 km/h.
- What was the maximum wind speed (km/h) recorded on November 29th 2015?
- Before 2000, the largest total year rainfall was registered in 1998 and was 1239,6 mm.
- What is the largest total year rainfall registered after 2000?
- The 2014 is known to be the warmest year, since 1901, with an average of 11.71C .
- How many days in 2014 were registered with the maximum temperature (in history)?
- How many days of snow were there registered in 2010?
- What is the percentage of days with at least 1 mm rainfall in 2014?
- The largest temperature after 2000 registered at de Bilt was on 19 July 2006. What was the temperature recorded?
- What was the average year temperature in 2013?
- How many days with maximum temperatures below 0C (ijsdagen) were registered in 2010?
- In how many months in 2015 was the average temperature higher than in 2014 (the warmest year since 1901)?
- A heavy storm (zware storm) is registered when the wind speed hourly average is at least 100 km/h. There were 8 heavy storms registered between 1950 and 2000. How many heavy storms were registered after 2000?
Questions of interest
- What will be the monthly average temperature in December 2015?
- How many days with 50 mm/day or more rainfall will there be in 2016?
- What will be the percentage of days with snow registered in December 2015?
- How many days with maximum temperature > 20C will be registered in 2016?
- In what year will the next heavy storm (zware storm) occur?

Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Introduction to Structured Expert Judgment by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/decision-making-under-uncertainty-introduction-to-structured-expert-judgment//.