4.3.2 The Influence of Scale Preferences on the Design of a Water Innovation: A Case in Dutch River Management

Course subject(s) 4. Stakeholder Analysis and Mapping

In the previous video, Prof. Jill Slinger illustrated the issue of scale in designing and implementing Building with Nature innovations in Dutch coastal  policy and management. She mentioned the work of Dr. ir. Heleen Vreugdenhil, who found that the personal scale preferences of the actors involved in the design of a nature-based innovation along a Dutch River influenced the decisions made.

You can read about how this happened in the paper below, and learn that the disciplinary background and assigned tasks of people influence which designs they prefer.  Central to the analysis is the understanding that the nature-based measures – here termed Cyclic Floodplain Rejuvenation – are themselves associated with a bio-geomorphological disciplinary view and often have a preferred scale of application.

You can cite the paper as:

Vreugdenhil, H., Slinger, J.H., Kater, E. (2010). The influence of scale preferences on the design of a water innovation: A case in Dutch river managementEnvironmental Management 46(1): 29-43. URL : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00267-010-9565-4

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