4e Additional reading material

Course subject(s) 4. Defining your Design Challenge

Delft Design Guide

The lecture material for this week’s topic is based on the work of Norbert Roozenburg, Prof. Paul Hekkert and Prof. Matthijs van Dijk and many of their colleagues.  Below you find a list of links or references to additional reading material about defining a design challenge.


  • Roozenburg, N. F., & Eekels, J. (1995). Product design: fundamentals and methods (Vol. 2). Chichester: Wiley. Available through University Libraries.
Creative Commons License
Delft Design Approach by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/delft-design-approach/.
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