5.1.2 What’s next after Comfort and Health in Buildings?
Course subject(s)
Module 5: Closing of Comfort and Health in Buildings
During the course Comfort and Health in Buildings, you learned how to ensure good indoor environmental qualities, and how these factors relate to building design and to buildings’ energy systems. You first discovered which factors determine indoor environmental quality; then, you deepened your knowledge on thermal quality and learned how to design thermally comfortable buildings. After this you learned how to deal with indoor air quality, and finally you combined all this knowledge to assess indoor environments and design healthy buildings.
This is a rich and complex field, and each lecture in this course could have expanded into a complete course. We hope this overview of health and comfort in buildings has inspired you to continue learning about buildings as sustainable energy systems and will help you in your future job as an engineer, policy maker, or architect to shape a sustainable future.
Thank you for participating in the course.
The course team

Comfort and Health in Buildings by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/thermal-comfort-in-buildings/ /