6.4.1 Introduction to economic aspects of recycling

Oftentimes, taking primary resources out of the ground seems to be more economic than recycling them. Our guest Christian Hagelüken, Director EU Government Affairs at the materials technology and recycling company Umicore, will explain the economic mechanisms of recycling, as well as drivers and policies to stimulate take-back and urban mining.

image of Christian Hagelüken

About our guest

Dr. Christian Hagelüken heads Umicore’s advocacy activities in the EU. He has over 25 years experience in (precious) metals recycling and sustainable metals management and has made numerous contributions to professional books, journals and conferences. He represents Umicore in related policy initiatives, associations, expert groups and scientific panels, among others the UNEP Resource Panel, the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials, and the German Acatech working group on resources for energy applications.

Between 2003 and 2011 he headed the department for Business Development & Market Research in Umicore’s Precious Metals Refining business unit. Before that, he had held various management positions in the precious metals department of Degussa AG

Christian holds university degrees in mining engineering and industrial engineering from RWTH Aachen, Germany, where he also received his Ph.D. in 1991.

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