8.2.4 General Theory
Course subject(s)
Module 8 – Finding Ecosystem Support for your Innovation
Compulsory readings:
- Article on ecosytem-based thinking in innovation: Adner, R., (2006). Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem. https://hbr.org/2006/04/match-your-innovation-strategy-to-your-innovation-ecosystem
- A guidelines document to modelling ecosystems using the EPM tool. Download below.
- Madis Talmar, Bob Walrave, Ksenia S. Podoynitsyna, Jan Holmström, A. Georges L. Romme, (2018).
Mapping, analysing and designing innovation ecosystems: The Ecosystem Pie Model. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2018.09.002
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0024630118304667 - https://www.ecosystempie.com/guidelines.pdf
Non compulsory readings (paid access):
- A great book on ecosystem-based thinking in innovation: Adner (2012). The Wide Lens: What Successful Innovators See That Others Miss (https://www.amazon.com/Wide-Lens-Successful-Innovators-Others/dp/1591846293)

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