BID – References
Course week(s)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Course subject(s)
The Bio Inspired Design Approach
Biostructure and Bioenergy (muscle configurations)
Bioenergy (biological springs)
Biopropulsion (macroscale)
Bioclamping (hands)
Biobehaviours and Group Intelligence
Bioclamping (other clamping methods)
Bioclamping and Biopropulsion (microscale)
Bioreproduction and Regeneration
Biomaintenance and Repair
Reference Materials
Chiu, I. and Shu, L.H. (2007). Biomimetic design through natural language analysis to facilitate cross-domain information retrieval. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 21, 45-59.
Reich, Y.(1995). A critical review of General Design Theory. Research in Engineering Design, 7 (1) 1-18.
Helms, M., Vattam, S.S. and Goel, A.K.(2009). Biologically inspired design: process and products. Design Studies, 30, 606-622

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