Case study Aerospace Engineering

Course subject(s) 6. Debriefing per case

Some of you commented that during the case study investigation not all causes were ruled out, and the outcome could be different. Let’s bear in mind that it was not the intention to go through a full aerospace investigation. The intention was only to apply the steps of an investigation. To perform a full Forensic Engineering Investigation, more time and effort are required. As a result, during this MOOC a simple case was shown to get you familiar with a Forensic Engineering Investigation. Certain details, including close-up photographs, were not provided to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. If you want to know more about Aerospace Engineering, we provide follow-up courses and additional reading material at the end of the Aerospace module.

Some of you had problems with answering the question: “Select the appropriate statement type for the hose connection which shows signs of fatigue.” in Field Investigation 7. It was stated in the text by Holmes ”I have inspected the hose connection end with a magnifying glass and there are clear signs of fatigue.” As such the goal was to select “fact” as answer.

Creative Commons License
Forensic Engineering: Learning from failures by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at…earning-failures/.
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