2.1.2 Application to your own case

Course subject(s) Module 2. Stakeholder Perspectives that enrich your vision

As in every module of this course, now it is time to apply the new topics of Stakeholders, Power and Interest to your own case. In module 1 you selected one or more situations in your life that you want to get a firmer grip upon. Most likely your working life, but that is not a necessity. In this module we try to formulate what your role in this situation is. We also enrich your picture of the situation by including the perspectives of other stakeholders.

Let me help you with the following steps that guide you through this process.

Step 1 – Stakeholder identification 

Identify the many stakeholders that are present in your complex situation. Identify at least 10, but think of as many as you can. Include individuals, teams, groups, departments, organizations, ministers, directors, colleagues, friend, even the local coffee shop owner, whom you so nicely talk to about your work and who always seems to be interested and ready to give un-asked-for advice on any matter…
Don’t judge now, just list them.
Creative Commons License
Effective Decision Making: Dealing with Business Complexity by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/effective-decision-making-dealing-with-business-complexity/.
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