4.1.2 Application to your own case
Course subject(s)
Module 4. Future scenarios and potential beneficial system interventions
Now it is time to apply the new topics of Scenarios and System Interventions to your own case. In module 1, you selected one or more complex situations in your life that you want to get a firmer grip upon. These most likely come from your working life, but that is not a necessity. In the first two modules, we tried to formulate what your role in this situation is. We also enriched your picture of the situation by including the perspectives of stakeholders. In module 3, we developed a set of decision making criteria. So far we tried to avoid concrete system interventions (solutions, actions to change, etc.) as much as we could, as people generally have the habit to stick to the first idea that looks like a good one. Systematic approaches, such as the one in this course, try to overcome that tunnel vision and support better decision making.
In this module, we are thinking about developments in our complex situation between now and some time in the future. The changes or interventions we eventually choose to implement will have to function in that future, so we need to take that into consideration. This week we will also identify a long list of ideas on what to do in our complex situation (so-called system interventions), and we will reduce that list from a long list of possible ideas to a shorter list of promising ideas.
Let me help you with the steps that will guide you through this process.

Effective Decision Making: Dealing with Business Complexity by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/effective-decision-making-dealing-with-business-complexity/.