6.3 Revenue Models and Local Impact: Readings
Course subject(s)
Module 6. Revenue Models and Local Impact
Readings of week 6
We collected four articles to enrich your background knowledge on local impact and business/revenue models.
This paper explains 55 different revenue models illustrated by real life examples: Gassman, Frankenberger & Csik (2013) The St.Gallen Business Model Navigator. https://www.bmilab.com/business-model-navigator-full-paper/
A collection of tools related to the business model canvas of Alex Osterwalder: https://strategyzer.com/canvas
On combining multiple business models: Aversa and Haeflinger (2017). http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/16947/
On business model innovation in incumbents: Berends et al. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1476127016632758

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