
Course week(s) Week 10-11
Course subject(s) Introduction to the Design Projects Design Projects


Before starting the design projects, students should study the backgrounds of a design process.

Chapter # Title Lecture
01 Planning and design 01
02 Finances 01
03 Standard and guidelines 01

1. Planning and design

The textbook on Planning and design explains the different aspects of designing a drinking water treatment plant.

From the book (example chapter):
Drinking water – Principles and practices
P.J. de Moel, J.Q.J.C. Verberk, J.C. van Dijk
World Scientific Publishing
ISBN 981 256 836 0

2. Finances

The textbook on Finances explains the different financial aspects of a water supply company, including cost elements for designing a drinking water treatment plant.

From the book (example chapter):
Drinking water – Principles and practices
P.J. de Moel, J.Q.J.C. Verberk, J.C. van Dijk
World Scientific Publishing
ISBN 981 256 836 0

3. Standard and guidelines

As an example of Standards and guidelines, the Alberta standards for Municipal Waterworks, Wastewater and Storm Drainage Systems are presented.

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Drinking Water Treatment 2 by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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