Suggested Readings

Course subject(s) Lecture 1 : Public Hygiene and Epidemiology Lecture 2 : Public Hygiene and Epidemiology Lecture 3 : Public Hygiene and Epidemiology Lecture 4 : Public Hygiene and Epidemiology Lecture 5 : Public Hygiene and Epidemiology Lecture 6 : Public Hygiene and Epidemiology Lecture 7 : Public Hygiene and Epidemiology

Sanitation and death-rate in the Netherlands

Without mortality declining after 1860, the Netherlands would not have its 15.6 mln inhabitants but only 3.1 mln.

‘Most peaple are not aware that they live by the simple fact of having one of his ancestors starting to wash his hands frequently’ (Preston 1996).

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Public Hygiene and Epidemiology by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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