Useful Readings – Cavitation Ships
Course subject(s)
Physics of Cavitation: Gas Content and Nuclei
Physics of Cavitation: Cavitation Inception
Types of Cavitation: Bubble Cavitation
Types of Cavitation: Sheet Cavitation
Types of Cavitation: Artificial Roughness and Inception of Sheet Cavitation
Types of Cavitation: Viscous Effects on Inception of Sheet Cavitation
Vortex Cavitation
List of papers about cavitation and related topics
Below a number of useful papers is listed.
Kunz, R.F. et al. (1999). Multi-phase CFD analysis of natural and ventilated cavitation about submerged bodies. Proceedings of 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference.
Kunz, R.F. et al. (2003). Unsteady RANS and detached eddy simulations of cavitating flow over a hydrofoil. CAV2003.
Choi, J.K., Hsiao, C-T and Chahine, G.L. (2004). Tip vortex cavitation inception study using the surface averaged pressure model with a bubble splitting model. 25th ONR Symp.
Dyne, G. (1995). The principles of propulsion optimization. Transactions RINA.
Foeth, E.J. et al. (2008). On the collapse structure of an attached cavity on a threedimensional hydrofoil. Journal of Fluids Engineering.
Grigson, C.W.B. (1983). On predicting the performance of ships from models. Transactions RINA.
Grimm, O. (1980). Propeller and Vane Wheel. Journal of Ship Research Vol 24.
Pereira, F. et al. (1998). Prediction of cavitation erosion: an energy approach. Journal of Fluids Engineering.
Kinnas, S. and Fine, N. (1993). A non linear boundary element method for the analysis of unsteady propeller sheet cavitation. Symp on Naval Hydrodynamics.
Kinnas, S.A., Young, Y.L et al. (2003). Prediction of cavitating flow around single or two-component propulsors, ducted propellers and rudders. CFD 2003, RINA.
Kuiper, G, S.D. Jessup. (1993). A propeller design method for unsteady conditions. Transactions SNAME.
Bosschers, J. et al. (2008). Computational analysis of propeller sheet cavitation and propeller ship interaction. Marine CFD symp.
Schnerr, G.H., Schmidt, S., Sezal, I and Thalhamer, M. (2006). Shock and wave dynamics of compressible liquid flows with special emphasis on unsteady load on hydrofoils and on cavitation in injection nozzles. CAV2006.
Savisky, D. (1964). Hydrodynamic design of planing hulls. Marine Technology.
T. Brockett (1991). Cycloidal propellers. Propeller/shafting symp.
Terwisga, T. van and Alexander, K. (1995). Controversial issues in Waterjet-Hull Interaction. FAST’95 Conference.
Vaz, G, and Bosschers, J. (2003). Modelling three dimensional sheet cavitation on marine propellers using a boundary element method. CAV2006.
Wikstrom, N, Bark, G and Fureby, C. (2003). Large eddy simulation of cavitating submerged objects.8th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics.

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