Wrapping up Aerospace Engineering

Course subject(s) 6. Debriefing per case


During the previous weeks, the Forensic Engineering MOOC of Aerospace focused on fatigue, damage, and investigation methods and tools. We started by giving a general introduction to Aerospace Engineering to make sure everyone has enough knowledge to complete the Aerospace Module. Many of you took the opportunity and completed the Aviation 101 section.

The questions of Quiz: Avitation 101 were mostly done without a problem. Only question Q2 caused some problems, because some of you didn’t see the differences between the aircraft’s (illustrations 1 and 2 given above) right away. The illustrations show two tail dragger aircraft. If you look closely, the aft part (wheel) is similar in both pictures. The right aircraft outline should have helped in figuring out the left one. Therefore, the answer was that illustration 1 shows a tail dragger aircraft and illustration 2 shows a tail dragger.

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Forensic Engineering: Learning from failures by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/forensic-enginee…earning-failures/.
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