01. Introduction, DC ref. and sources, voltages ref.
Subject(s) 1. Introduction, DC ref. and sources, voltages ref.
02. DC voltage references
Subject(s) 2. DC voltage references
03. DC references II
Subject(s) 2. DC voltage references
04. Static Translinear Circuits
Subject(s) 3. Static and dynamic Translinear Circuits
05. Static and Dynamic Translinear Circuits
Subject(s) 3. Static and dynamic Translinear Circuits
06. Assignment & Dynamic Translinear Circuits
Subject(s) 3. Static and dynamic Translinear Circuits
07. Example of the structured synthesis of a DTL action potential detector circuit & assignment
Subject(s) 4. Example of the structured synthesis of a DTL action potential detector circuit & assignment
08. Introduction to oscillators
Subject(s) 5. Oscillators
09. Oscillators: Linear phase-noise model of oscillators
Subject(s) 5. Oscillators
10. Oscillators: VCO Design procedure
Subject(s) 5. Oscillators
Analog Integrated Circuit Design by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/analog-integrated-circuit-design/.