4.1.1 Introduction to Topic 2
Subject(s) 4. Stakeholder Analysis and Mapping
4.3.2 The Influence of Scale Preferences on the Design of a Water Innovation: A Case in Dutch River Management
Subject(s) 4. Stakeholder Analysis and Mapping
5.1.1 Introduction to Topic 3
Subject(s) 5. Cooperative Game Theory
5.3.3 Supplementary Reading – Usefulness of Game Theory for Policy Evaluation
Subject(s) 5. Cooperative Game Theory
6.1.1 Introduction to Topic 4
Subject(s) 6. Social Design Principles
6.3.2 Supplementary Reading
Subject(s) 6. Social Design Principles
6.5.2 Supplementary readings
Subject(s) 6. Social Design Principles
7.1.1 Introduction to Topic 5
Subject(s) 7. Towards Coalition Building
7.2.1 Meet the Ghanaian Researchers
Subject(s) 7. Towards Coalition Building
7.2.3 Building with Nature in the Coastal Environment of Tema
Subject(s) 7. Towards Coalition Building

Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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