3.3.1 Two examples of regional design in The Netherlands
Subject(s) 3. The Region
3.4.1 Feedback on module 3 The Region
Subject(s) 3. The Region
4.2.1 Performance characteristics
Subject(s) 4. The City
4.2.2 Desegregation
Subject(s) 4. The City
4.3.1 Analyses to approach inclusion & segregation on the city scale (I)
Subject(s) 4. The City
4.3.2 Analyses to approach inclusion & segregation on the city scale (II)
Subject(s) 4. The City
4.4.1 Feedback on module 4 The City
Subject(s) 4. The City
5.2.1 Basic concepts of neighbourhood and public space design
Subject(s) 5. The Neighbourhood
5.3.1 Neighbourhood and public space design: Analysis
Subject(s) 5. The Neighbourhood
5.4.1 Feedback on module 5 The Neighbourhood
Subject(s) 5. The Neighbourhood
Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/building-inclusive-cities-tackling-urban-inequality-and-segregation/