Cavitation is the transition of a fluid into vapour due to local reduction of pressure which is generated by high local flow velocities. The transition of a fluid into vapour also occurs during cooking of water by an increase of the local temperature. The term cavitation is generally reserved for conditions in which the temperature of the bulk fluid is not changed. Although cavitation can occur in many situations this course focuses on ship hydrodynamics and ship propellers. The course is divided into five main groups: physics, types and effects of cavitation as well as calculations and test facilities and techniques. Some of these topics are illustrated with the use of videos.
- Reproduce the main lines in a selection of the latest developments in the field of propulsion and resistance hydrodynamics, where the current selection of propulsion and resistance topics includes unsteady hydrodynamics of the flow over a foil, cavitation forms, problems and tools for analysis and design, propulsion systems in a service environment and ship drag reduction by air lubrication.
- Analyse a hydrodynamic problem in the propulsion and resistance area, into well defined sub problems that can be analysed with state of the art knowledge and tools
- Select the appropriate theory or tool (either numerical or experimental) for an analysis of the identified problem.
- Reproduce and present to an audience, the main lines in a contemporary publication from the field of Propulsion and Resistance hydrodynamics.
- Understand, interpret and react to questions from the audience and the lecturer and in doing so, stimulate the scientific debate.
- Introduction
- Physics of Cavitation: Gas Content and Nuclei
- Physics of Cavitation: Cavitation Inception
- Types of Cavitation: Bubble Cavitation
- Types of Cavitation: Sheet Cavitation
- Types of Cavitation: Artificial Roughness and Inception of Sheet Cavitation
- Types of Cavitation: Viscous Effects on Inception of Sheet Cavitation
- Vortex Cavitation
- Appendices

Cavitation on Ship Propellers by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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