This course on cavitation is a compilation of topics which have been taught at Delft University in the department of Naval Architecture. The course has been expanded using many years of experimental and full scale experience at Marin (Maritime Institute Netherlands) in Wageningen. The focus is therefore on ship propellers, although cavitation occurs in a wide range of technical applications.
An electronic course like this one is well suited for video, and this option has been used frequently in the course. Although the videos are embedded in the pdf-files of the reader’s chapters, it is necessary to download zip-files which contain pdfs as well as the corresponding videos. Every chapter is also directly readable as preview on the website (the videos are shown separately on the right, if applicable).

Cavitation on Ship Propellers by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at