3.2.3 Some do’s and font’s while doing automation
Subject(s) Module 3. The Software Engineer and GSE
3.2.4 Experiences working as a distributed team member
Subject(s) Module 3. The Software Engineer and GSE
3.3.2 Automation a CD pipeline
Subject(s) Module 3. The Software Engineer and GSE
3.3.3. Continuous Delivery at Exact
Subject(s) Module 3. The Software Engineer and GSE
3.3.4. Continuous Delivery – Tips & Tricks
Subject(s) Module 3. The Software Engineer and GSE
3.3.5 Interview with Erik Ammerlaan
Subject(s) Module 3. The Software Engineer and GSE
4.1.1 Introduction: Boardroom: C-level Decision Making
Subject(s) Module 4. Boardroom: C-level Decision Making
4.2.2 Outsourcing from a dexition-maker perspective
Subject(s) Module 4. Boardroom: C-level Decision Making
4.2.3 Outsourcing from a decision-maker perspective: Do’s and Don’ts
Subject(s) Module 4. Boardroom: C-level Decision Making
4.2.4 Outsourcing from a dexition-maker perspective: Pitfalls
Subject(s) Module 4. Boardroom: C-level Decision Making
Globally distributed software engineering by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/globally distributed software engineering/.