Processing and saving information

Level 4 teaches you how to incorporate the information you found earlier into your paper.

You will learn the following:

  • how and when to cite or paraphrase the information you have found
  • how to compose a proper reference list

Recognizing a citation, paraphrase and plagiarism

Exercise 1

The following exercises teach you how to make a distinction between citing, paraphrasing and plagiarising.

  1. Read TUlib module How to cite ( from the top up to the section “Formatting your references”. Don’t forget to view the video “How to paraphrase“!
  2. Now look at this example of paraphrasing and citing:
  3. Start the exercise about paraphrasing.

Exercise 2

Do the exercise answering the 10 questions on citing, paraphrasing and plagiarism.
This exercise was created by Dr Theodore Frick, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.

Now you have seen that you have to cite or paraphrase your information correctly.

How to build a reference list

As you have seen, a scientific article refers to the work of others. These references are put in a reference list (also known as literature list), which makes it possible for readers to retrieve the information that was used.

Exercise 3

Now let’s take a closer look at the structure of a reference list.

  1. Read the TUlib module How to cite ( from “Formatting your references” onwards.
  2. Go to the Exercises and answer the questions about the references in APA style.

When you have finished the exercise, you will be able to create a proper reference list in APA style.


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