At the heart of this module lies a model of technology development from a social perspective, which will be applied to socio-technical problems resulting from present-day ‘risk society’.  Science and technology often cause social problems. Problems both have technological and social aspects (socio-technical problems). An important concept is the ‘socio-technical system’ and ‘technological regime’. Those concepts are mentioned multiple times during the lectures.

The theory and concepts of this module are applied to water problems in China (lecture 3, 5 and 8), Indonesia (lecture 4) and the Dutch water system (lecture 1) to illustrate the theory.

This module contains lecture slides, papers and examples of student work. Lecture slides can be viewed on this page or can be downloaded as a pdf-file. Under ‘Readings’ in the menu you can find the papers which recommended literature for this course.  

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Technology Dynamics and Transition Management by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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